While Graham was visiting he spent a lot of time out in the hen house with the chickens and he's a little "Chicken Whisperer". The chickens would hop up on his lap or shoulder and perch on him. They seems to really like the guy.
One of the Buff Orpingtons I named Cheerio because it liked to eat Cheerios so much when it was a chick. Graham named the other one Biscuit and it really seems to fit her. We're thinking about Reba or Ruby for a Rhode Island Red. It's still difficult to tell them apart.
Seems I might have gotten one rooster in the bunch. Although I requested all pullets, they can only be 90% accurate. I'm posting a picture of the Silver Laced Wyendotte that I think is a rooster. I really don't want a rooster around so I'm going to try to give it away to another local chicken farmer.
I'm really happy with the chickens. They seem to complete the farm.