Saturday, May 30, 2009

Baby Chick update

Sadly, the baby chick who was very lethargic did not survive. I tried to feed her sugar water and food through and eye dropper but she was just too weak and passed away last night. The remaining eight are thriving. I can't believe how much they have grown in a just a few days.

We put a worm in the brooder and it was hilarious to watch them running around trying to steal it from each other. They are very curious about anything new to the brooder and are always in each other's business. Dennis built a little roost for them. and we're still waiting, but I have read they will eventually roost and line up in their "pecking order". Right now one of the Wyandottes seems to be the boss of the brooder. It will be interesting to see.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

They're here!

The chicks are here. Dennis, Tessa and I picked them up today around 1:00 p.m. at Mt. Healthy Hatchery. They were really making a lot of noise all the way home, but seemed to calm down once they were in their brooder. One of the Buff Orps seems a little bit lethargic and the others are kind of picking at her a little. I'm going to keep my eye on the situation and maybe separate her if I need too. Here are some pictures....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Welcoming Committee...

Tomorrow is the big day. Miss Tess and I will be picking up the chicks! We will be sure to post some pics.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Getting closer...

There has been a lot going on this weekend with preparing for the chick's arrival on the 27th. I completed the brooder box and have it ready and Dennis has made a lot of progress on the coop.
Here is the brooder box that I made out of a plastic Rubbermaid storage container. I am using a 100 watt bulb for a heater. Using a red bulb is best because it has a calming effect on the chicks and tends to keep them from "pecking" at one another. The marbles inside the waterer aren't decoration or a rock garden for the chicks (although they do add some nice color). They are so the chicks don't drown in their own waterer. Yes - it actually can happen.
Below is a picture of the coop. We plan to put hardware cloth on the indoor window with some shutters that can be opened for ventilation and closed to keep out cold air. There will also be a door installed.
The inside will have white metal barn siding on the walls for easy cleaning. I haven't decided what color to paint the outside walls yet. I've been contemplating the red with white trim barnyard (Old McDonalds farm) look or maybe a tan color to match the barn and the house. I suppose there is plenty of time to decide. I'm open to suggestions.
On the right side of the coop are nesting boxes with a hinged lid that will make it handy for gathering eggs.

Here are pictures of the outside and inside of the nesting boxes...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Progress on Chicken Coop

Progress is being made on the hen house. This weekend Dennis installed a window and started the chicken door and nesting boxes. I'm getting anxious for the chicks to come. Only 17 more days and we will be picking them up.