Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Long Overdue Update

Gee - It's been too long since I updated this. Dennis has almost completed the outdoor run for the chickens. The roof isn't on yet, but we have been letting them out in it anyway. They will only have access to the outdoor run at night, but they are going to be really well protected against predators.
While Graham was visiting he spent a lot of time out in the hen house with the chickens and he's a little "Chicken Whisperer". The chickens would hop up on his lap or shoulder and perch on him. They seems to really like the guy.
One of the Buff Orpingtons I named Cheerio because it liked to eat Cheerios so much when it was a chick. Graham named the other one Biscuit and it really seems to fit her. We're thinking about Reba or Ruby for a Rhode Island Red. It's still difficult to tell them apart.
Seems I might have gotten one rooster in the bunch. Although I requested all pullets, they can only be 90% accurate. I'm posting a picture of the Silver Laced Wyendotte that I think is a rooster. I really don't want a rooster around so I'm going to try to give it away to another local chicken farmer.

I'm really happy with the chickens. They seem to complete the farm.